Summer Camp has never looked so good

The summer period can be an interesting time for accountants, bookkeepers and BAS agents. Clients are often away, business can be slower than usual, and the temptation to take a break pulls steadily closer as December unwinds.

There is another solution in the wings – one where accountants, bookkeepers and BAS agents can upskill while remaining poolside – or at least at home with their feet up for an afternoon.

I’m talking about Xero Summer Camp – a free, online program that is here to help our partners grow and strengthen their business, and use the downtime to build a solid marketing plan for the year ahead.

Based around six practical themes, Xero Summer Camp has just launched and is now ready for you to drop in for an afternoon or dive as deep as you choose to. Watch the videos, read the content or complete the courses on subjects such as: how to position Xero to clients, how to streamline your business with Xero HQ and how to get Xero Certified.

The other modules also drill into some useful knowledge that can transform how you work in 2017. They are:

  • Marketing kickstart: Run a website health check, master social marketing, or get the lowdown on how to run a great event. Learn how to be brand-ready as soon as 2017 kicks in.
  • Getting report-ready: Download report templates – take the online courses that show you how to create a management-reporting template or make month-end reporting more efficient.
  • Exploring the Xero app marketplace: These online videos and webinars are packed with top app tips that can help you improve the experience for your clients, compile expense reports, streamline staff management or make POS more efficient.
  • Getting started with Xero Tax: Quickly master this module in an afternoon, and your clients will return from holiday even happier once they learn they never have to physically sign a tax return ever again, thanks to Xero Tax (and your upskilling!).

So, pull up that lounger and stay up to date with Xero over summer, ready to transform your business – and your clients’ experiences in 2017. Happy holidays.