Author page: Xienan Shaw

7 actionable ways to turn stress into success

Stress is obviously something we’re all trying to avoid, but just because it’s something we try to prevent doesn’t mean it can’t be used to our advantage. Unfortunately, there’s no way of getting around it, so we might as well make the most of it. If we let stress take over our lives, we won’t get anything done.

However, there are actionable ways to turn stress into success that are easy to implement and maintain. By making a concerted effort to remain calm throughout the workday, you can encourage everyone around you to turn stress into success too. Here, we’re going to break down seven ways to do so and how to start right now. 

1. Breathe

Taking a deep breath is a simple way to calm yourself down quickly. It’s a trick for getting to sleep easier, but it can be just as effective at work. Focusing on the breath is a meditation practice that anyone can do anywhere. The trick is to stay consistent with your breathing.

You obviously want to avoid stress to begin with, but telling you to not be stressed would terrible advice. Tell your significant other to calm down in the heat of an argument and see how well that goes down. If anything, you should identify what’s causing the stress to begin with and working from there on ways to avoid making it worse.

  • Count your inhales and exhales for thirty seconds without thinking of anything. If your mind wanders before you reach thirty, start over. Repeat until you reach thirty. Or download an app like Headspace for a guided meditation experience. 

2. Sleep More

If you’re waking up and going to work tired, you’re starting the day on a bad note, and it’s completely avoidable if you simply went to bed earlier. People are irritable when they don’t sleep. Simple tasks become harder and comprehension decreases. It can even affect one’s physical ability. All these factors can make work harder to accomplish.

It seems like being tired is out of our control, but it’s not. When we get more sleep, our cognitive abilities improve while our stress decreases. We become better learners, better team players, and become more positive people overall. When we don’t sleep, we put ourselves at risk of shorter lifespans, heart disease, and obesity.

  • Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to get to bed earlier. You don’t have to close your eyes immediately, but you should shut your TV off, put down your phone and computer, and get into bed. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep. 

3. Schedule Relaxation Time

Are you a busy person that simply can’t find time to relax during the day? I’ll just be blunt and tell you you’re not that busy. Relaxing for even a half hour can be beneficial. Instead of catching up on emails during your lunch, go for a walk. Instead of waiting in line for your lunch, bring one. Your brain needs time to recover from a stressful day. If you don’t take care of it, you can’t expect it to fix itself.

Work your schedule around relaxation time. If you can’t spare a half hour to an hour, at least break up your day with shorter breaks. Five minutes here and there to breathe and look away from your computer screen to step outside can do wonders. If you stick to the schedule, you’ll learn to make the most out of the limited time you have.

  • Set an alarm on your phone or computer to remind you to take a break. Or you can tell someone you work with to remind you and keep you honest. Having someone look after you is a great way to manage stress. 

4. One Task at a Time

Doing too much at once is a great way to induce stress. We all have those busy days at work where we’re given more and more work. In fact, many people say that if you need something done, ask the busiest person to do it for you. If you find yourself in that situation where you’re the busiest person in the office, make a point of doing one task at a time.

If you’re trying too hard to go back and forth between tasks, you won’t give each one the proper attention they need and you’ll drive yourself crazy knowing you’re not working to your fullest potential.

  • Create a schedule with reminders and stay on top of it. You can do this on your phone or with task management software like Trello or Asana. Plus, everyone you work with can see what you’re working on so they’ll know whether or not it’s okay to ask for your help or to leave you alone if you’re swamped.

5. Don’t Get Too Lazy

So far this entire article has been about avoiding stress; it might come off as being counter-productive to keep yourself busy to avoid stress, but let us explain. If you plan ahead to make a big push and get all your work done for the next month so you have nothing to worry about, you’re going to get yourself in the mindset that you have nothing to do. When the time comes where you get a ton of work again, you’re not going to be prepared mentally.

By remaining busy at a very manageable level, you’re keeping your mind sharp for when the real push comes. Some stress can be motivating. We all tend to work faster and harder when there’s a deadline to meet. If you’re the type to stress about not having anything to stress about, this is a great way to avoid that scenario, as well.

  • Create a schedule and organize tasks by priority. Big projects should have more time to finish. Smaller ones should be done quickly. Finding a balance between the two is key. If you’re waiting for approval, don’t sit around waiting. Do a smaller task in the meantime. 

6. Switch Up the Scenery

Sometimes, all it takes to reduce some stress is seeing things from a new light. This includes where you sit, what’s on your desk, and talking to new people. If you’re near a window that’s never open, open it. If that window lets the sun in, and there’s room on your desk, buy a plant (they’ll even remove toxins in the air). If you find your desk is too cluttered for a plant, clean it.

You can also encourage your boss to repaint the office, bring in new chairs, or switch out regular desks with standing desks. There’s a ton of ways to go about switching up the scenery to reduce stress. These small changes are known to boost productivity. The more of an effort you make to keep things from getting stagnant, the more likely your employees will mimic that concept in their own work.

  • Create a poll and determine what other employees think is best to increase productivity. Follow through on that poll provided the results are within reason. 

7. Talk to Each Other

You’re working with other people! Act like you’re a team. Take a quick break and catch up every once in a while. If you’re stressed, tell someone. Maybe they are too. You can help each other by venting, or, at the very least, complain about the stress together. The point is to not be a stranger. Who wants to go to the same place with the same people every day and never actually get to know them?

That other person might also have some valuable insight on what’s making you so stressed out. If they have a different job than you, they might be able to look at your situation from a fresh point of view. It’s not a guarantee, but at least you’re trying to resolve the stress. If you’re actively trying to reduce stress, you will get there eventually.

  • Make a point of meeting someone new or catching up with someone on a regular basis. This will not only help you become less stressed, but help the other person too. This will create a stronger bond, a better work environment, decrease stress, and increase productivity.

The Final Word

Stress is an unavoidable consequence of our everyday work lives. There are going to be times where we’re going to deal with it, and there are going to be times where all it seems like it’s doing is piling up and finding its way into our personal lives. However, in limited amounts, it can be used to our advantage. For example, working with a deadline can increase productivity if you’re known for procrastinating.

The goal though is to limit it as much as possible, by working as a team, staying organized, making subtle changes in your personal life via meditation and getting more sleep, and changing your perspectives on certain tasks. We cannot expect stress to disappear on it’s own. We all know that the more we let it fester, the worse it gets. The more it builds, the higher the odds of a mental breakdown.

By removing stress, we become better people mentally and physically. The more in tune we are with our emotions, the more we can focus on our work. This increases productivity, which ultimately increases the employee experience, and finally the customer experience. These seven actionable ways to turn stress into success are a great way to get started today.

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Website Security: How to keep your website safe in 2019

One of the most important topics to discuss when the online realm is concerned is definitely online security. While an average online consumer probably doesn’t sweat too much about this issue, online business owners and website owners are definitely the ones that should. As a business owner, your top priority should be cratering a safe environment for your consumers and visitors.

However, unless you know precisely what to look for and how to actually make your website a safe environment for anyone visiting, you might have a difficult time ensuring it. That’s why we’ve created a list of some of the crucial aspects of website security and the things you’ll need to pay special attention to when ensuring it.

Choose your web host carefully

First and foremost, unless you’re really careful when choosing your website host chances are that you won’t have a particularly good time. A solid hosting company, for instance, won’t leave room for any backdoor access to your website. They will take care of the regular maintenance, provide you with proper uptime and, most importantly, proper security which promises that you’ll be able to offer your visitors top-notch user experience.

Many business owners make the mistake of choosing to go with the cheapest hosting company, not realizing that, in most cases, this is the wrong way to go. We’re not saying that you should choose the most expensive one either; simply make sure that you’re happy with what the company offers you and don’t let the price of their services affect your final decision.

Create strong admin passwords

Sometimes, we may tend to forget the most important and obvious step regarding internet security and that is passwords. Unless you create a strong admin password and thus ensure that your website is not easily accessible, all of your other efforts will be in vain. The passwords that are easy to remember are usually very easily hacked with brute force attacks, so make sure you create an elaborate combination of upper-case and lower-case letters, symbols and numbers when creating your admin pass.

Moreover, avoid using the same password twice under any circumstances and never write down your password in digital form and store it somewhere on your computer. If you’re unable to remember your passwords, however, you should write them on a piece of paper and carry them in your wallet. This method, although old-fashioned, has proven to be the most secure one. 

Use multi-factor authentication

No matter how strong your passwords are, chances are that sooner or later they can be breached. The fact is that with the technology constantly evolving. It’s only a matter of time before hackers will equip themselves with new tools or software that will allow them to penetrate even the strongest of passwords. 

You should implement multi-factor authentication for any relevant account.

The way it works is that it adds another layer of security to your login credentials. In other words, aside from requiring your username and password to login you will also have to provide a security code or a token that will be sent to your phone or other mobile device. The additional layer of security is vital as it makes it more difficult for potential hackers to tap into all of your devices at the same time and find all the information they might need to access your sensitive data. 

Make sure that your web software is up to date

If your website is hosted on a CMS, do know that the majority of them receives regular software updates and patches. These updates and patches do not only serve a purpose of enabling you to use new functions and features but, more often than not, they contain necessary security upgrades as well. Unless you make sure that you update your web software on a regular basis, chances are that your website will easily become vulnerable to outside attacks and prone to security breaches. And since that’s definitely something you do wish to avoid, try to stay on top of any and all software updates.

As an example, if your website is hosted by WordPress, avoid using third-party plugins and updates. The main reason is that the third-party software may cause conflicts in your website code that can create vulnerabilities and security risks you weren’t even aware of.

Instead, work on developing your own website features that will be compatible with your website’s code. This option will definitely cost you a bit more in a financial sense, but it will certainly pay off from the security point of view.

Use an SSL Certificate

Simply put, Secure Socket Layer certificates will provide your website with a secure connection for transferring data online.

Websites that feature this security measure are sharing encrypted data instead of what is known as “plain text,” where data is being moved back and forth without any encryption. That’s precisely why the online users are more inclined to do business with websites that feature an “HTTPS” prefix in their URL. The website that begin with “HTTP” are a problem. 

The “S” stands for “secure” in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). By implementing an SSL Certificate as an additional layer of security in your website, you’ll provide your customers with a safe environment. The SSL certificate is where they can do business and leave their sensitive information without having to worry that it will be easily accessible by a third party. 

Restrict admin logins

While we have already mentioned the importance of having a strong admin password in place, we haven’t discussed the importance of not sharing that password with just about anyone. The fact is  the more people knowing your password makes your site more vulnerable. Having access to the admin account makes an even higher vulnerability on your website.

That’s why you should restrict admin logins to only specific employees and IPs. Protecting and paying attention in this way and you’ll be restricting access to your website to anyone with an IP that’s not included in the list. Protect your site no matter if anyone in or out of your company manages to obtain your admin pass or not. 

Monitor your network

By conducting regular network audits and keeping a close eye on everything that’s going on around you ensures that your network is safe and that you have proper security measures in place. You should also conduct regular penetration tests. What “a test” means is that you should simulate cyberattacks on your network or specific areas of your network in order to ensure that the security measures you have in place are sufficient.

If you have done enough protection for now — great. You may also discover that there’s any room for improvement. If this is not something you’re particularly handy with, make sure you hire the right professionals that will take care of this important step for you.

Play well with Google

Finally, while this part doesn’t concern your website security per se from your standpoint, it does play a huge role in making your website more appealing to Google. Generally speaking, Google favors websites that are safe to browse, the ones that feature excellent web design and that are well-optimized and organized. It’s no secret that the websites that Google deems worthy (according to these and some other parameters) will have an easier time reaching a higher position on SERP’s.

Taking care of your SERP’s will, in turn, bring more business your way. It becomes quite obvious that striving towards making your website as secure as possible won’t be appreciated solely by your audience, which is excellent news for anyone trying to reach true business success. These security steps are the most crucial ones you will definitely want to implement in your website.

You’ll want to make sure that the audience finds your site appealing enough to want to do business with you. Of course, there are certainly other things you can do to boost your business’s appeal, but that’s a topic for another time.

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TAX TICKLERS… some quick points to consider… Sep 2019

TAX TICKLERS… some quick points to consider… Sep 2019

  • CRA’s limited review of corporate tax return projects have a reassessment rate of approximately 40%. In the past few years, these projects have focused on areas such as automobile expenses, professional fees, travel, and eligibility for the small business deduction.

  • Many states in the U.S. have recently enacted laws requiring foreign sellers making sales to customers within the state to collect and remit sales tax, regardless of whether the seller has a physical presence. To view a chart summarizing legislation of this type and their effective dates, go to:

  • In May and June of 2019, the provincial courts of appeal in Ontario and Saskatchewan ruled that the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (the Carbon Tax) was constitutional. Ontario has indicated that leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada will be sought. Alberta is currently challenging it in the Provincial Court of Appeal.

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Is it a business debt or personal debt, or both?

There is a lot of confusion about
what is a business debt – partly because there is a real cross over between
someone borrowing in a business or personal capacity.


To simplify it, we need to define
what personal and business debts might be.


If an individual borrows money in
their own name, for personal spending such as buying a TV, clothes, a car or a
house in their own name, that is clearly a personal debt.


The borrower is liable without any
ability to deny their responsibility for paying back that debt.


If they borrow money to establish,
support or fund a business, for instance borrowing $25,000 from a bank to develop
an e-commerce website to sell cosmetics, then that money is clearly being used
for business purposes, but is still a personal debt.


However, a business can have several
different structures that impacts on the personal liability of the owner or


The main business structures in New
Zealand are:


Self-employed or sole proprietor – someone
trading in their personal capacity

A partnership – several people working

A limited company – has its
own legal personality.


What is my personal liability as a
sole trader?


An individual is liable for business
debts when they are self-employed and run their business in their own name.


If the business owner enters a hire
purchase agreement to buy a vehicle it is a personal debt.


Also, if they sign a lease agreement
for rent of commercial premises, they are personally liable.


What is my personal liability as a


As a partner in a partnership
business, you are automatically jointly and severally liable, that is, personally
liable for all the debts of the partnership.


That means if one of your business
partners becomes personally bankrupt, you and the other business partners are
then liable for any and all the business debts of the partnership.


This can be historic, for example if
a leaky home case is filed against an architectural partnership that designed
the house but is no longer trading – then the partnership and the individual
partners are still liable.


If one partner is insolvent, the
solvent partners take full liability for the outcome of the leaky home hearing
and the costs awarded to the building owner.


What is my personal liability as a
director or shareholder?


Essentially, directors and
shareholders cannot be naïve and think they are protected if their company goes


There are lots of ways a director or shareholder
can be liable for the debts of the company.


·       If a director or shareholder gives a personal guarantee in respect of
the company’s debt, they become personally liable for that debt.


·       Directors and shareholders are liable if they allowed the business to trade
fraudulently or recklessly, and they are found liable by a liquidator or the court
for some or all of the company debts.


·       There is personal liability if the Inland Revenue proves that some of
the debts of the company relate to trust funds that were inappropriately
administered by the directors or shareholders.


·       If an overdrawn shareholder loan account accrues, it is then repayable
by the shareholders as a loan to the company.


·       When drawings or dividends drawn are excessive it is much the same as
taking a loan from the company and if the business goes bust – the directors
will need to repay the funds.


·       The same goes for making excessive personal expense claims against a
company, for example buying a fishing boat and claiming it as sponsorship or


·       Also, if you have borrowed money in your own name and invested that
money in the company by way of shareholder advances or share capital then you
are still liable to the lender for that loan, even though you didn’t personally
use the money – the business did.



Personal debt risks with guarantee liabilities


Guarantee debts normally arise where
a director or shareholder has signed the following in their personal capacity,
as well as director or shareholder:


·       Bank loans

·       Finance company loans

·       A property lease, even if that lease is subsequently assigned

·       A lease, finance or hire purchase agreement for plant, equipment or
motor vehicles

·       A service agreement in respect say phone, computer or other services

·       An agreement with a trade supplier, which sometimes may not explicitly
state that a director or shareholder may be personally liable, but may be as a
signatory to the agreement


Depending on the nature of the
guarantee, the creditor may also be secured by assets owned by the guarantor, a
family trust or other person, and sometimes this again may not be clear in the
terms and conditions.


As with any agreement, a person
really must fully read the documentation presented to them so that they don’t
inadvertently give a guarantee, when they had no intention of doing so. 


Taking legal advice before signing
any documentation is therefore advisable.


Keeping track of your personal liabilities


One of the most common issues seen
when businesspeople find themselves in trouble with debt, is that they don’t
actually know what they might actually be liable for. 


Maintaining a list of any guarantees
given is therefore advisable.


Getting into serious debt, or even
considering bankruptcy, isn’t part of business owner’s plan.


With good financial literacy, advice
and planning it can be avoided but should things get out of control it is


However, there are solutions and
bankruptcy should be the last option rather than the first port of call for




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Strategies, Plans and Commitment

Do you know that creating a strategic plan for your business can have a
lot of tremendous and positive impacts on your business?

However, before you spend all your resources on developing a plan, there are a
few things you should check out for first. 

· Is there a commitment from the leader and
management team of the organization? Can they be held accountable for the
successful execution of the plan?

· Is there someone whose skillset you can
trust to guide the meetings for the development of the program? 

The documentation of the resulting strategic plan does not necessarily have to
belong and voluminous. All it has to be is a plan that is conducive to
execution. A program that is conducive to implementation would have these

· Must be focused

· Brief: Voluminous documentation may not
provide enough drive to facilitate the change you want in your organization.

· Accountability: Your plan should be subject to occasional
referencing (daily or weekly). This would help track progress and guide
decision making. 

The most easily executed strategic plans are no more than two pages
long. In the rest of this article, I will be showing you how to make a two-page
strategic plan.



Your Two Page Strategic Plan

Page 1: Strategy


This page describes how you will compete for profits. On this page,
there should be three main components:


· Value Proposition

· Modified Value Chain

· Trade-offs


What the value proposition does is that it answers the following
questions for your top markets:


1. Who are your customers, and where are they

2. Which needs are being filled?

3. What is your pricing relative to the

4. Which requirements are not being

5. What makes us unique?


What the modified value chain section does is that it describes the
activities you perform that are different from your competition to create value

Trade-offs enlist the businesses your organization would no longer
engage in.



Page 2: Long Term plan


This page deals with the vision of your organization. This page
specifies the route to the achievement of the strategy from the first page.
Here are the components of the long-term plan:


·  Long Term Goal –
This is the expected outcome of the procedure you have put in place after
several years. 


·  Key Success Factors –
These are industry-specific activities that you must perform better than the
competition to be successful.


·  3-Year Quantitative
– These include measurable targets such as revenue, profits,
cash generated, number of new/active customers, etc.


·  Target Market to Dominate
This part species your targeted market. It should include customer
description, location, and your specific offer.


·  Unique Selling Proposition
 – The three ways your product stand out to when compared to that
of your competition.


·  USP Metrics – How
you will measure that you are living up to your USP.


·  Key Metrics –
These specify daily/weekly/monthly metrics to be tracked to judge whether you
are achieving your plan or not.

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Boost your potential with these accounting certifications

The stable demand for accounting services has made the field a promising one for accountants. This makes it one of the highest salary earners in the labour market.

However, as an accountant, your degree may not be enough for you to break even among your peers in the field. You may want to get certified in some areas of specialization.

Having a certification would not only give you an edge in the accounting labour market, but it would also increase your earning capacity.

Here are some popular accounting certifications that you should consider:

Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)

The CIA is awarded by the Institute of Internal Auditors(IIA). This certification is the only globally accepted one for internal auditors. With this certification, individuals demonstrate their competence and professionalism in the internal audit field.

Aspirants have to pass a four-part exam to obtain the certification and must have a minimum of two years of meaningful experience in internal audit or any related field.

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

Tagged as accounting’s jack of all trade, this is the most popular certification among accountant worldwide. Accountants with this certification have proficiency in many areas of accounting and finance; some of which include Corporate government, financial analysis, tax preparation and planning, management consultancy, among others.

Accountants with this certification can operate in so many areas. However, Certified Public Accountants are mainly seen in the sectors of external audit and tax.

Certified Management Accountant (CMA)

Granted by the Institute of Management Accountants, The CMA validates its awardees’ competence in management accounting, which includes cost management, decision support, and financial planning and analysis.

To obtain a CMA certification, aspirants must pass a two-part examination and have at least two years of professional experience in management accounting or any related field.

Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

With today’s increasing popularity of general and personal finance strategies, this certification has gained valuable recognition. CFP is the most highly recognized planning credential in the world.

The CFP certification would open up your career to a plethora of opportunities. Here are the requirements of becoming a CFP professional:

·       Aspirants must complete a CFP Board-registered education program,

·       Aspirants must sit for the CFP exam

·       Aspirants must hold or earn a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university within five years of passing the exam

·       Aspirants must have about three years of financial planning experience.


Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)

The CISA is awarded by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). This globally recognized certification is for accountants who audit, assess, control and monitor an organization’s information’s systems and technology.

To qualify for the CISA, aspirants must pass a five-part exam and have at least five years’ experience in information systems auditing, control or security.
While some certifications are more suitable for some accountants than others, there is no single best accounting certification. However, it is essential to choose the type of certification that would work for you. Consider your career goals and interests before choosing one.


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Getting creative to reach the unreachable customer

I recently received this message from a close friend in Europe … a person who has followed me on social media for years:

“I had no idea you had a new book out!”

This message was a like an electric shock to my marketing pride.

For a period of months after Marketing Rebellion came out, social media posts about my book seemed ubiquitous — blogs, videos, podcast interviews, newsletters. How is it possible that this friend missed the news?

If this were an isolated event I could shrug it off but I get similar comments all the time. People I consider fans and friends seem unaware of my books or events. For some, it seems to be a surprise that I have a podcast, something I have been doing for more than six years!

It makes me wonder … is there any way to reliably reach your customers, even the ones who profess to love you?

The unreachable customer

The unreachable customer has become a “thing” in my lifetime. In the early days of media, you had a daily newspaper, three network television stations, and some magazines. If you repeated an advertising message through these channels you could reliably connect with an audience that had no other place to go for their news and information.

In that age, we didn’t have to battle for this captive attention, at least to the degree we do now. We battled our competition to provide the best offer.

An attention economy

Today the customer attention is fragmented into a million distractions. Assessing the customer journey is like looking at a row of stained glass windows. Sure, they are all windows, but each one is a unique composition filtering the light in a thousand different ways.

Marketing today is so difficult because there is no way to reliably make a connection through all those possible filters.

Some customer “windows” into my work come through my blog, which is typically emailed to subscribers through a distribution service. But even a benchmark “open rate” for an email is 30 percent. So 70 percent of my readers miss whatever I have to say on any given day. If I post those articles on social media the “connection rate” is a fraction of that.

Reach for my podcast …. who knows? The metrics aren’t great for podcasts. Podcasters today don’t even know for certain how many subscribers they have, let alone posses an ability to connect to specific customers.

Digital advertising? Almost invisible to most people.

Even on my best day I’m connecting to just a fraction of my customers through any means available to me.

A solution?

Here is a business idea for somebody.

The world needs a way for us to connect to our best customers in a perfect and absolute way. There needs to be some sort of service where if you are a loyal customer or a true fan, a crucial message gets to you no matter what (maybe a text alert?)

And on the other side, businesses need to be able to slice and dice this list to provide very targeted and relevant messages and news.

For example, last week I did a free event in San Antonio. I wanted to let all my followers in that Texas city that I was coming and that it was free. But I have no rapid, sure-fire way to reach everybody in San Antonio connected to me through some content or social media channel. Nobody does.

We need a service so that if people in a city want to know if I’m coming to their town, they will absolutely know.

I can imagine them checking boxes of their favorite speakers or authors. Simon Sinek. Malcolm Gladwell. Brene Brown. These are the people I would want to see if they come to my city for a speech or book signing. Sort of like a concert alert for authors, speakers, and social media friends.

Reaching the unreachable customer

We are never going to go back to a world where every person’s “window” is the same. But maybe there could be one little portal that is the same and reliable, at least for your most valued audience.

Perhaps somebody out there will say, “hey ya big dummy, there is already something like that out there!” A common refrain to be sure … but I don’t think so.

So get on it world. I have thousands of people out there missing the best things I have to offer, free meet-ups, and even my books.

How do we reach that unreachable customer?

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Empathy: 4 things to remember

Whether as a group leader in your community’s project or a
project director in your company; the chances are that you have been frustrated
at least once and have asked the question ‘what do they want’.

Something unique about humans is our range of emotional nuances. Whether it be interpersonal or formal relationships, it’s important to have a sense of empathy for your team members. In other words, you should know how to apply the act of understanding and sharing others feeling in your team.

I have always applied four unique points whenever it comes to the subject of empathy. Hopefully, you could find them useful.


Do they really need your help?

Nobody; and definitely not a member of your team wants to feel undermined. We all want to have a feeling of control over what we do. So, before throwing a hand of assistance, confirm they need your help. For instance, I once worked as part of a project team in my workplace. The board of directors apparently thought I needed an extra hand in the area I was assigned to- but I didn’t. As a result, I felt I was incapable of handling this responsibility. It took me speaking out to oppose the idea and a little time of self-motivation to build that trust I had in the management and myself. In the workplace, each person has to take into account every other person’s needs and ideas to figure out how to compliment or add to the team effort, rather than to detract from it.


Give them your full attention

When others communicate, learn to listen. Pay rapt attention to the keywords in their sentences, their emphasis, their tone. Also, check out their body language and attention. This way, it would be easier for you to ‘enter their head’. Just step up your game on your mindful listening ability; your amount of empathy for your co-workers would drastically increase.


Consider other people perspective

Perspective-taking is the act of looking at things from the point of view other than ours. If you want to show empathy towards people, step into their shoes and see things how they see them. For instance, if there is a misunderstanding in the team, try looking through their point of view on the subject of argument. When it comes to empathy, it is not about what we would do but about what others would do.


Don’t just sit- act.

Being able to see the world from others point of view is such a beautiful talent- don’t waste it. It would be no use if you can feel others emotions but fail to express it. A pleasant morning greeting with a smile can go a long way. Pay attention when they open up to you. Use your instinct to detect the hidden meaning to their words. Be curious about their family- talk and counsel.

Wrapping up.

A friend of mine told me “We humans are like the stars- of course, we shine bright. However, if we come together we can shine brighter than stars, we can shine like the moon”. We can always do better when we work as a team.

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5 things social media posts have in common

Last night, we had a discussion during our family dinner. The subject of discussion was how social media had turned the world into a global village. A message that could take a lifetime to be delivered would be delivered for you in seconds through Facebook. My sister; Helen, stated how through social media, she was able to reach through thousands of customers in seconds- something that would have been considered impossible in the 15th century.

Sadly, not everyone understands how to appropriate the use of social media when it comes to marketing. I have compiled some keynotes you should consider when posting stuff on social media platforms:

Have empathy

When it comes to brand promotion through the use of social media, you must possess the skill of understanding how others feel about what you are trying to promote. In other words, look through their eyes. If you were in their shoes, what portion of your content would you dislike? Which would you want more explanation for? But don’t just stop there. Go further by meeting their every desire.

Do more of visuals

Don’t bore me with a 1000-word article of how well your product would meet my need. Chill… don’t get me wrong. It is not out of place to be a little bit explanatory about the goods you sell or the services you provide; however, you should ensure you put something that draws the attention of your potential clients. Input pictures alongside your article to create a mental image of what you are trying to communicate across to your customers.

Use emojis

Come on…we live in the 21st century- an age where people get mood swings by just looking at emojis. If you want to keep your readers in tune with your content or what you are trying to pass across, use the suitable emojis. If a sad person looks through your content and a laughing emoji pops up, it would light up his mood. This way, your click-through rates improve. Surely, emojis will improve your engagement metrics.

Tell them about you.

Nobody wants to fall into the hands of fraudsters. Mentioning a little bit about yourself would let them feel safe. If you wish, pop in some photos of yourself. Your followers would see who is behind the scenes and learn about the person is running the company affairs. Go the extra mile by sharing pictures of your employees- without them; your business wouldn’t have survived.

Drop inspirational quotes.

Running out of ideas on what to post? Well, you can never be out of inspirational quotes. Run a simple google search. If you are a good writer, come up with lovely quotes. Doing this, you would make them feel more comfortable with your credibility. It steers up a feeling of confidence in them in the sense that you do not only care about them because you want to make money, but you do care about them. It’s simple- stronger interpersonal relationship attracts more engagement on your post.

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How to run a carbon neutral business


Way back in 2015, the
United Nations made a pact to actively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This
pact is known as the Paris Agreement and is a clear sign that cutting carbon is
a top priority on a global scale.

People, businesses,
corporations, families, governments – we’re all responsible for looking after
our world.

Since the 90s, the
Earth’s surface temperature has risen nearly 1°C because of increased levels of
CO2 in the atmosphere. Although 1°C might not seem like the most alarming
figure, in 2016 scientists predicted that if the earth’s temperature rose any
more than 2°C, the atmospheric balance would be so out of kilter that human
life would become difficult to sustain – we’re already half-way there!

If you’re looking to
start a business, or want to transform your current company into a
carbon-neutral, environmentally conscious operation, now more than ever is the
time to do so. Strike while the iron’s hot, and before the world gets even

Coined in the early
1990s, ‘carbon neutral’ refers to a process that doesn’t add to the net
atmospheric increase of harmful emissions (namely CO2). Achieved via a combined
effort of carbon offsetting and the use of renewable, emission-free resources,
carbon neutrality is an environmental step in the right direction that every
business should be taking.


What is a carbon
neutral business?

Requiring more than
popping a few strategic recycling bins about the office – in the hope that your
staff will take the initiative to separate their paper from their plastic –
running a carbon-neutral business entails a whole host of proactive, yet
achievable, steps.

But, before we get
into the nitty gritty, what exactly does running a carbon neutral business

According to the
Oxford English Dictionary, carbon neutral means: “making or resulting in no net
release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, especially as a result of carbon

At, we
leave no stone unturned! That’s why we asked Will Richardson, founder of
Environmental Management Consultancy Green Element, for his expert advice on
what carbon neutral means in the business world:

“If you are a carbon
neutral company, it means that you as an organisation are not producing any
emissions from a net producing point of view. However, the interpretations of
how this is achieved and calculated can vary.”

Although, going
carbon neutral does entail a bit more than simply waving a magic investment
wand. It’s best to think about how all aspects of your business can reduce its
carbon footprint. Using an environmentally sustainable energy supplier is a
good start, but there are many more steps to take on the path to complete
carbon neutrality.

As far as business is
concerned, think balance. If you put CO2 into the atmosphere, then somewhere
along the line, you’ll have to balance out the emissions by removing the exact
amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as you put into it.

This is simpler than
you might think. The easy way to counteract your carbon emissions is to invest
in an environmental initiative. VEEV, for example, is the first carbon neutral,
alcoholic spirit brand and donates 1% of its sales to Rainforest Preservation
and environmental causes to balance out its carbon footprint. This is known as
carbon offsetting.

Carbon offsetting is
an action that compensates for the carbon dioxide your business emits through
participating in schemes, or funding programmes, that remove the equivalent
amount of CO2 from the atmosphere.

If you’re scratching
your head for ideas on where to invest to offset your carbon footprint, we
recommend looking into tree planting schemes or rainforest preservation as a
good starting point. Or, companies such as EcoAct run a service to help you
find the perfect location for your offsetting investment.


Why should a small business go carbon neutral?

Heightened levels of
CO2 in the atmosphere are bad for the planet for all sorts of reasons, many of
which you will already be aware of. But, did you know:

Each year, 40bn
tonnes of CO2 is released into the atmosphere – averaging out to a whopping 5.5
tonnes per person? Granted, this might just sound like a few abstract facts and
figures, so put it this way: if a day’s worth of CO2 were to form a film over
the surface of the earth, the film would be the thickness of a piece of paper
(70 microns) by the end of the day. After a year, the film would be 31mm thick,
and, after 50 years, the film of CO2 would be the thickness of 1.55m.

As CO2 is a gas, it
floats off into the atmosphere rather than forming a solid ‘film’ as such, but
you get the picture: globally we produce enough CO2 every day to coat our
planet with a layer of what is, essentially, a poisonous gas.

We’re literally
suffocating the planet with our CO2 emissions, so making sure that our impact
is as minimal as possible is everyone’s responsibility, business owner or
otherwise. And, what with World Earth Day just around the corner (falling on the
22nd April, to be exact), there’s never been a better time to ride the eco
business wave.

Aside from the clear
environmental benefits to carbon neutrality, it comes with some pretty awesome
perks as well as reducing the damage inflicted on the planet.

1. Save money

Firstly, taking big steps towards improving your business’ energy
efficiency levels will save money and the planet. Something as small as
implementing a ‘lights off at night’ policy will cut costs and your carbon
footprint. For example, corporate giant P&G have reportedly saved $500m
through implementing energy efficiency measures alone – with more savings
forecast for the future. 

Back in 2016, 190 of the Fortune 500
companies made a combined saving of close to $3.7bn. How? Through energy
efficiency initiatives, that’s how. And, being clean and green isn’t just good
for your overheads, it’s great for investment prospects too. Barclays, for
example, have noted that bond portfolios featuring clear goals for
sustainability have shot those with weak environmental targets right out of the
water in the past seven years.


 2. Retain and
attract employees 

Showing that you’re eager to engage
with environmental issues will help to engage and inspire staff – motivating
your team to pull together in a combined effort to reduce your business’ carbon
footprint. Cycle-to-work schemes, work-from-home days and a robust in-office
environment policy will all help to show to your staff that you’re a business
that cares.

For more information on how to run your
business more sustainably, be sure to check out the Startups’ suite of pages
focussing on green and social business.

Not to mention the fact that if you’re
building your business, you’re probably recruiting. A recent survey shows that
millennials want green jobs, and they want them now.

The Department for Business, Energy and
Industrial, Strategy (BEIS) found that 65% of 16-24 year olds would prefer a
job in the green economy. This equates to around 3.7 million young people who
are looking for, or would be interested in, a job with a clear environmental

Fresh out of college or university, the
millennial talent pool is awash with desirable skills well suited to the fast
pace and change-driven attitude of any start-up business. So, if you’re looking
to make yourself as attractive as possible to the young millennial
professional, you’d better pull your carbon-neutral socks up.

3. Attract new customers

It’s not just your current staff
that’ll be motivated by your carbon-reduction mission – potential customers and
future talent will also be attracted to a greener policy. In fact, research
suggests that 55% of consumers are willing to pay higher prices for goods from
environmentally conscious companies.

Conscious consumerism is taking off in
a big way and you really don’t want to be left behind, so get ahead of the
curve and reap the financial, moral and social benefits carbon neutrality can


How does a small business become carbon neutral?

The six simple steps
to carbon neutrality are as follows:

Step 1: Calculate
your carbon footprint
Step 2: Reduce your carbon footprint as much as possible
Step 3: Offset the remaining carbon by investing in a cause or programme that
actively reduces global carbon emissions
Step 5: Gain carbon neutral accreditation
Step 6: Publicise your move to carbon neutrality using social media, your
website and any other marketing means at your disposal

Hungry for more
detail? For the best possible, in-depth advice on how to become carbon neutral,
we also caught up with an expert: Studio Republic’s sustainability officer,
Halina Myers. Here, Myers shares the story of the small marketing agency on a
big environmental mission to carbon neutrality:

What are the first,
most achievable steps to running a carbon neutral business?

“First, it’s
important to get a baseline calculation to work with. It’s really simple to get
your carbon footprint calculated. This will help you to understand your
business’ carbon emissions whilst benchmarking you against other organisations.

“Next, you offset. It’s
a really good opportunity to make a genuine difference in the world, so choose
something meaningful to you and your team.

“However, running a
carbon neutral business is about more than calculating and offsetting your
carbon emissions. You have to have a long term view to reduce the amount of
carbon you produce at source. Last year, for example, Studio Republic produced
3.63 tonnes of CO2 emissions, and has set a target to reduce this to 3 tonnes
of CO2 emissions by the end of 2019.”

Studio Republic
offset five tonnes of CO2 by donating to a Ugandan Borehole Rehabilitation
project, could you tell us a little more about that?

“To offset our carbon
footprint, we wanted to choose a scheme that allowed us to make a positive
social and environmental contribution – sustainability does, after all,
encompass people too.

“We chose the Ugandan
Borehole Rehabilitation project because the positive impacts of this project
are countless. Borehole water is safe and does not need to be boiled, which greatly
reduces the need to gather firewood to purify it. This saves firewood and
prevents the unnecessary release of carbon emissions.

“Also, the borehole
rehabilitation and maintenance in Lango sub-region, Uganda, will be the very
first programme to implement the new Gender Equality methodology from the Gold

“We chose to offset
more carbon than we produced because we wanted to make more of a positive
impact. It’s not a necessary step, but if you have the means to do so, we would
highly recommend it.

“Choosing a project
that is meaningful to you, your team and your business is really the key
takeaway from our experience with offsetting. We advise sitting down with your
team to get everyone’s input into choosing what scheme to opt for – your staff
will feel great about it and really feel part of something good.”

From a recruitment
perspective, why do you think millennials are more likely to be drawn to
businesses with strong sustainable promises?

“The statistics show
that 73% millennials are willing to spend more on sustainable products, and
this mentality spreads into recruitment too. Since refocusing our business back
in 2017, online job applications have quadrupled and all of our applicants have
expressed a passion to work with an ethical and sustainable business.

“So much so, that
three quarters of millennials are willing to take a pay cut to work for a
socially responsible company, the same amount consider a company’s social and
environmental commitments when deciding who to work for, and 64% of millennials
won’t take a job if their potential employer doesn’t have strong corporate
social responsibility practices.

“It’s clear
throughout our brand, our business plan and our company mission, that
sustainability is at the heart of everything we do and this has had a massive
impact on our recruitment process.

“We’ve been able to
utilise our sustainability actions as a business tool to bring in new talent,
and generate business: opening up a world of opportunity for us.”


Which businesses are already carbon neutral and who is it suited to?

Spearheading the
carbon neutral business movement are some big names in the business world. The
likes of Google, Neal’s Yard and Avis are all touting the carbon neutral flag –
signposting a strong awareness of the environmental impact they have, with a
view to reducing the impact as much as possible.

Even 007 is getting
up on the carbon neutral hype as James Bond, otherwise known as Daniel Craig,
will be zipping around in Aston Martin’s latest zero emissions vehicle, the
Rapide E, in the next Bond movie (now due for release in 2020).

And – as of March
14th 2019 – new kid on the energy provider block, Bulb, has become completely
carbon neutral. Already supplying, and powered by, 100% green energy – Bulb are
now offsetting the 90% non-renewable gas they supply by supporting ClimateCare.

ClimateCare is a
B-Corp that facilitate carbon reduction projects across the globe, including
the building of solar and wind farms in Asia, as well as developing rainforest
protection schemes in Africa.

On the move to carbon
neutrality, Hayden Wood, Bulb Co-founder and CEO has said:
“We supply 10% green gas to all our members and now we’re offsetting the
remaining 90% by supporting carbon reduction projects across the world.”

With companies both
big and small taking the plunge into carbon neutrality, it’s clear that carbon
neutral is a badge of honour that any business can wear.

But, it’s all very
well and good going to all lengths to become carbon neutral, but how do you let
you let the world know that you’re trying to save it, once you’re a carbon
neutral company?

Ideas for advertising
carbon neutrality:

· Pop it on your website

· Publicise on your social media channels

· PR like crazy – press releases, social announcements… The whole

· Make a media splash – if you’re offsetting your carbon emissions
by supporting another company or programme, include them in your press release
and get them to publicise the move too



Is going carbon neutral going to cost the earth?

If your business
continues to pump CO2 into the atmosphere, then yes, the earth will suffer. But
metaphor play aside, the only costs incurred when your business goes carbon
neutral are whatever you have to spend to offset any emissions. Otherwise,
lowering your carbon footprint will have a positive impact on your business’
bank balance.

Saving on energy
costs is the big business budget tip. Other carbon and cost cutting tricks come
in more nuanced forms. For example, if your business has a fleet of vehicles,
vehicle tracking devices are a great way to improve routes, cut travel times,
save on fuel costs and, ultimately, cut down on carbon emissions. Read the
Startups section on business vehicle tracking for more information on how to
cut carbon and costs, even in your company car. 

What is a B-Corp?
A certified B Corporation (B-Corp) is a business that overperforms in terms of
positive social and environmental impact. Transparency, accountability and
performance are the three key attributes of a B-Corp and, as a whole, B-Corps
are helping to shoulder the social burdens of 21st century life. This is
including, but not exclusive to, lessening the environmental impact of the
business world.

The likes of
Patagonia, the outdoor travel company, are a certified B-Corp. B-Corps are a
growing group making big waves in the business world as they, in the
corporation’s own words, ‘form a community of leaders and drive a global
movement of people using business as a force for good.’



In theory, a carbon
neutral company doesn’t produce any carbon emissions. Modern infrastructure,
however, makes it nigh-on impossible to run an operation that doesn’t produce
any carbon at all. So, for those unavoidable carbon emissions, a business can
choose to offset the levels of CO2 it’s responsible for.

Offsetting comes in
the form of investment in other companies, programmes or schemes that have a
carbon negative impact on the planet and actively seek to reduce the levels of
CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere.

There are some big
movers and shakers in the business world taking on the carbon neutral
challenge. Search-engine giant Google is even doing its bit for the planet, and
it’s high time we all did the same. It’s simple: reduce the amount of carbon
you already use, then offset the remainder.

In the words of
Halina Myers: “Carbon neutrality, as with sustainability, gives back countless
benefits to businesses across the board, there’s no reason not to go for it.”




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