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Challenges and problems of the modern business managers

There is no denying the fact that modern day managers encounter mammoth challenges in their attempt to achieve organisational objectives.

These challenges are varied in and complex in nature. Consequently, it is important to identify the challenges so as to enable managers and chief executives understand art and science underlying managerial practices, especially as it relates to managing challenges.

The business environment is dynamic. The dynamism is seen as it relates market demand; technology, productivity, social responsibility, the use of modern and efficient communication system, the use of facilities external to organisations, the management of human resources and so on.

As a result of these ever present changing conditions and variables, orthodox and atavistic management methods may be thus grossly inadequate to meet the new challenges. This means that managers should thoroughly examine their existing facilities, policies, strategies and procedures and see where they are obsolete and call foe updating or are deficient and require urgent attention. In the process of examination and review of objectives, managers will identify limiting factors to achieving the set objectives of the organisation.

Management of Human Resource

The resources of every organisation includes among other things, physical, financial, time, information as well as human. However, among all these resources, the human element is the most important. It is the only animate resource. That is the reason the most critical and challenge of the modern day managers is the human problems. Most often, human resources challenges have been described as embarrassing and intractable.

There are many organisational problems that can be associated with human beings. These includes personality conflicts, which manifest in squabbles and serious quarrels, emotional and behavioral problems. Other human problems which can be manifested in other way includes the sudden change from cooperativeness and friendliness to inexplicable antagonism, hostility and dependency on alcohol and drugs for coping with the ordinary challenges of work and life. These problems do affect an individual’s work experience and effectiveness and consumes a greater part of the manager’s time.

Technological Development

Akin to the challenges of human resource is the one of technological development. Technology is the application of scientific principles to industrial problems while the improvement in machines, methods, materials, management and so on that results from this is refereed to as technological progress.

Thus a technological challenges arises when the manager is unable to cope with some technological innovations that enhance modes of doing thins in the business environment. Related to technology but most challenging is the use of modern communication systems. The use of modern communications system is one of the major challenges which managers today face. Although telecommunication system has improved in some countries, there still appear to be problems. Managers will have to find a way to solve their communication problem in order to efficiently and effectively achieve their organisation objectives.

Customer Relations and Service

The customer is the essence of the existence of any company. However, in a country like Nigeria, especially in the area of marketing there is the lack of appreciation, all round, of the importance or supremacy of the customer. This is due mainly to a combination of factors namely; the level of awareness and the level of education in the society, the fact the customer is not aware of his rights (consumerism is still emerging) and lastly the sellers market situation prevalent in the society.

People who are paid to give a service always give the impression that they are doing the purchaser of that service a favor by serving him. Be they managers, civil servants, bank staff, shop assistants, the attitude is the same. There is thus much to be done in absorbing the culture of social responsiveness among business leaders and managers.

Designing Creative Environment

It is still problematic and challenging for modern managers to design and maintain environment for creativity and innovation. This challenge is internally and externally induced. In the external analysis, in some developing countries it does not seem that the government is interested in the reduction of unemployment but not the creation of employment opportunities. So for the modern day managers grappling with the problem of inadequate infrastructure, government insensitivity in terms of creating investment friendly environment opens yet another challenge.

Internally, perhaps, there are in many firms too much conformity, too much togetherness and too much little individual responsibility and opportunity. However, it can never be forgotten that all group activities at any kind require some conformity towards the accomplishment of group goals. But this does not mean that intelligent managers cannot design roles for innovation and imagination where they are desired, while still maintaining needed conformity to make group cooperation effective. This is not easy but it is possible/ particularly for managers who are mindful of their basic task of designing for creativity and performance.

Social Responsibility

One of the challenges facing many managers today is the fulfillment of business social responsibility. The is more urgent than before because of the utter neglect of the communities in which many firms operate. Social responsibility demands somewhat that businesses provide, housing, transportation, health facilities, building of schools, award scholarships, donation of disaster affected areas, promotion of aesthetics, provision of culturally enriching and entertaining programmes on television and the like. Even the supply of high quality products to the market cannot be omitted in the areas of business social responsibilities. 

Maintain Flexibility to Meet Change

Another major challenge facing most modern managers is that of maintaining flexibility. Effective management is flexible management. Not only must effective managers be able to recognize the need for change but also in order to have time to meet it. they need to design methods of obtaining an organisational change in such areas as unproductive procedures and policies, obsolete organisational pattern and the normal human tendency to resist change.

Government Policy

Inconsistent government policies create an unstable environment for every manager. Many sectoral policies are made with reference to the operation of that sector. Every now and then representatives of sectors are crying out asking the government to rescind certain policies. In many instances such inconsistencies have caused national strikes. It distorts perspective planning as well as distracts forecasting focus of managers.


With the current state of competition orchestrated by globalization and liberation, businesses will need to invest more effort in the area of qualified human resource and technology if they are to achieve their goals and objectives and satisfy the needs of the public which are also multiplying.

May 2019 TAX TICKLERS some quick points to consider

TAX TICKLERS… some quick points to consider…

  • Guidance from the Government of Canada on the new CPP regime, with a specific focus on the age to start your CPP retirement pension is now available. The website provides commentary on changes commencing in 2019, estimating future receipts, and determining past contributions. It also contains an explanatory video and links to the Canadian Retirement Income Calculator. For more information, see

  • Interest rates on Canada Student Loans and Canada Apprentice Loans will be lowered starting in 2019-20. The floating rate will be reduced to prime (from prime plus 2.5%), and the fixed rate will be reduced to prime plus 2% (from prime plus 5%). Also, the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act will be amended so that student loans will not accumulate any interest during the six-month grace period after a student leaves school, during which repayments are not required.

  • Resolving objections with CRA can take a long time! For example, formal income tax objections resolved in April that were considered “medium complexity” (which includes many that we deal with) were completed by CRA in an average of 224 days from the date the objection was submitted.


Medical expenses tax credit

In a December 4, 2018 Technical Interpretation, CRA was asked whether the costs of installing a steam shower (sauna) and hydrotherapy pool could be eligible for the medical expense tax credit (METC). The use of these devices was recommended as treatment to maintain strength and mobility.

CRA noted that, for renovations to be eligible, they must:

  1. enable the patient to gain access to the dwelling or be mobile and functional within it;

  2. not typically be expected to increase the value of the dwelling; and

  3. not normally be undertaken by individuals with normal physical development or who do not have a severe and prolonged mobility impairment.

While the expenses contemplated may meet criteria (a), CRA opined they would likely fail criteria (b) and (c) and, therefore, not be eligible for the METC. However, eligibility remains a question of fact, with the onus on the taxpayer to demonstrate that all requirements were met.

Also, CRA noted that a renovation cost incurred for the main purpose of enabling a qualifying individual to gain access to the dwelling or be mobile and functional within it (the same as criteria (a) for the METC) could be eligible for the home accessibility tax credit (HATC).The HATC is a non-refundable credit that provides tax relief on up to $10,000 annually of renovations to a home to enhance mobility or reduce risk of harm for a qualifying individual (those 65 years of age or older at the end of the taxation year or eligible for the disability tax credit). The HATC requirements do not exclude costs failing criteria (b) or (c) above.

ACTION ITEM: There are several renovations that can be eligible for one or both of these credits. Receipts, invoices and/or other supporting documents should clearly identify the health benefits and purpose.

HOME BUYERS’ PLAN (HBP)- Enhanced Possibilities


The HBP allows first-time home buyers (special rules apply for those with a disability) to withdraw amounts from their RRSP to buy or build a home. Budget 2019 proposed to increase the HBP withdrawal limit to $35,000 from $25,000. As the HBP is avilable to each individual, a couple could access up to $70,000 to assist in a first-time home purchase. This increase is effective for withdrawals made after March 19, 2019.

Taxpayers are considered first-time home buyers if, in essence, they did not occupy a home that they or their current spouse or common-law partner owned in the last four years. Specifically, they could not have occupied the home in the period beginning on January 1 of the fourth year before the year the funds are withdrawn, and ending 31 days before the funds are withdrawn.

Funds must be repaid into the RRSP over a 15-year period. If no repayment is made for a year, the individual will have an income inclusion equivalent to the required repayment. However, this could still be advantageous as the tax on the withdrawal is at least deferred to later years.

Budget 2019 also proposed an expansion to the rules such that individuals who experience a breakdown of a marriage or common-law relationship may be eligible even if they do not meet the first-time home buyer requirement. This will allow access to the HBP for either a new home or acquiring the former spouse’s interest in the couple’s existing house. However, where an individual’s principal place of residence is a home owned and occupied by a new spouse or common-law partner, the individual will not receive access to the HBP.

ACTION ITEM: Consider whether an RRSP contribution should be made now in order to benefit from the tax deduction, while making equity available for a later home purchase. Funds withdrawn under the plan must be in the RRSP at least 90 days prior to the withdrawal.



Budget 2019 proposed the new Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) first-time home buyer incentive, which is a shared equity mortgage that would give eligible first-time home buyers the ability to lower their borrowing costs by sharing the cost of buying a home with CMHC. Funding of 5% of the home purchase price would be available, enhanced to 10% if the home is newly constructed. To be eligible, the following requirements must be met:

  • the individual must be a first-time home buyer and the household income must be under $120,000 per year;

  • the insured mortgage combined with the incentive cannot exceed four times the annual household income; and

  • the minimum down payment for an insured mortgage must be made.

Regular repayments would not be required. Details of the ultimate repayment were not provided, although repayment when the home is sold was noted as an example in the Government documents. The Budget papers were also unclear on whether CMHC would share in appreciation, or any decline, in the house value, which is typically a feature of shared equity mortgages.

Many commentators are reporting that this would only assist on the purchase of homes valued at up to $480,000 (4 x $120,000). However, based on the details released thus far, it appears that it is not the house price, but rather the total mortgage that is limited to $480,000. For example, where a $25,000 down payment is paid (assuming 5% down), a house valued at approximately $500,000 could be purchased (assuming family income was just under $120,000, and the mortgage totalled $475,000).

It is uncertain whether there will be a cap on the maximum deposit or house value. More details will be released later this year, with the program expected to be operational by September 2019.

The Budget also announced financing to work with the broader financial community to assist third party providers of shared equity mortgages in scaling up their business and to encourage new players to enter this market.

ACTION ITEM: Watch out for details of this new incentive to be released in the fall.

How to start a bookkeeping business

Why not?

The benefits of starting a bookkeeping business are hard to deny. You can choose your own schedule, decide how much you get paid, and be selective about who you work with.

Plus, with smart technology, it’s getting easier to set up. So why not jump in? Here are seven tips to starting a bookkeeping business.

1. Design your business model

Understanding why you want to be a bookkeeper and why you want to work with small business is essential. This will form the foundation of your business model. Ask yourself:

  • Who do I want to serve?

  • What solutions am I going to provide?

  • How am I going to deliver these solutions?

Consider your end goal: are you building a business to sell on? How many employees do you want? Do you want your business to go global?

Knowing where you eventually want to end up is helpful when you begin planning. It will guide how you do business, whether you want to hire anyone, what kind of clients you want to take on, and how hard you’ll chase new business.

It’s also helpful to develop a contingency plan in case you’re unable to work for a period of time. Whether this is due to illness or a family matter, it’s incredibly helpful for your brand if you’re able to offer your clients a suitable alternative.

2. Getting set up

With the right software and apps it’s easy to work with people wherever you are in the world.

You don’t need a huge amount of infrastructure to get started. Get a computer, a mobile and then get online.

Online accounting software will let you look at accounts at the same time as your client. This means you can talk through their questions over the phone, reducing the number of meetings you have.

Smart accounting software will also allow automatic data entry, daily bank reconciliation and payroll.

You should also consider practice management software. These tools enable you to manage workflows and get your business in order. They come free with some accounting software and are getting smarter all the time.

Shop around for your software, and don’t just look for in-product features. If the provider has a partner program, it will help you grow your business.

3. Narrow your focus: who is your ideal client?

Accounts payable, bank reconciliations, inventory management, tax returns? What are you going to offer as in your newly started bookkeeping business?

Maybe you’ll focus on serving a niche like real estate or construction? By positioning yourself as a specialist, you’ll be able to target your marketing and talk specifically to one audience.

It’s tempting to offer everything in an attempt to attract prospective clients. But if you aren’t able to deliver on what you promise, you could get yourself into trouble. Start small and don’t over promise on what you’re able to do.

Once you’ve identified your ideal client, then you can put specific solutions together for them.

Combine relevant services into packages and offer them to your client that way. This allows them to choose the general service level they want. You can then work together to customise the package to their specific needs.

Present the packages in person or on a call, so you can walk your clients through them. Once you’ve agreed on a package of services, set the fees upfront. Don’t advertise fees on your website – remember it’s about pricing the client and not the service. 

Offer your clients multiple convenient payment options, such as credit card, PayPal, or electronic transfer.

4. Build a digital presence

Think of your website and digital presence as your shop front. It should communicate clearly who you are and what you do.

Your website should be clean, uncluttered and informative. Think about the kind of information you’d want to see and consider what you’d leave out.

Make your website personal. Show your passions and personality. Put yourself in the shoes of a prospective client. Why would they want to contact you over another bookkeeper?

A good social media presence is as important as a good website. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn can all help you reach prospective clients. Set up a Facebook business page that clearly outlines the services you offer.

5. The importance of networks

Setting up a bookkeeping business as a sole practitioner can be a little isolating. Connect with your peers.

On Facebook, The Bookkeeper Revolution is a global movement which aims to connect 100,000 accounting and bookkeeping professionals by 2020. This closed group shares web events, articles and discussions, as well as providing a chance to expand your network.

If you use Xero, check out the Xero Ecosystem Community on Facebook or the Xero Discussions group on LinkedIn. They’re great places to share information, ideas and maybe even clients with like minded professionals.

The New Zealand Bookkeepers Association also offers a big library of resources and has a large support network to help you get started.

6. Have confidence in yourself

One of the biggest challenges that people face when starting out is confidence and motivation.

Give yourself confidence in your abilities by being your best client. Keep your books up-to-date and in order. It will make you feel good about your work.

Stay motivated by referring back to your plan. What are your goals? What’s driving you? Keep these in mind when you’re faced with decisions like taking on an extra client, increasing your fees, or hiring your first employee.

To learn more about the ins and outs of setting up your own business, check out our small business guide on how to start a business.

7. Remain open-minded

While you’ll set yourself up to succeed, you need to be willing to admit when things go wrong. Learn from your mistakes, adapt your plans, and change them if required.

Open yourself up to new ways of working, too. Take advantage of apps that can:

Take advantage of courses and training to learn new skills and expand your service offering. Don’t be afraid to increase fees as your capabilities grow.

Where to start

Starting a bookkeeping business is going to take a lot of effort, but the barriers to entry have never been lower. There are great tools to work with, and there are plenty of people to support you. Bookkeepers have an awesome community.

VIDEO LEGACY- What Message Am I Leaving?

VIDEO LEGACY What Message Am I Leaving?

When conducting our estate plans, we are often focused on the distribution of assets (such as homes, bank accounts, investments, and interest in private corporations), providing for dependents, and ensuring overall family harmony. However, softer issues may be overlooked. For example, some suggest that it may be useful to leave a video legacy for surviving family members to view after a loved one passes.

One app, RecordMeNow, allows users to make a video legacy through targeted question-prompting and video recording. Users can create a video library organized into different subject areas for the surviving loved ones. As an individual’s death can rarely be predicted with certainty, the founder advises recording a legacy due to the risk of an untimely death.

The service was originally developed such that children who lost parents at a young age would have something to connect with their deceased parent(s); however, it can be used by individuals of all ages.

For further information see the BBC article (If you die early, how will your children remember you?, Shaw, Douglas), or go to

ACTION ITEM: What would happen if you were to pass away unexpectedly? Is everything in place such that in the days and years following, the desired results would be achieved? Consider revisiting your estate plan, will, and any other communications you would like to leave for your family.

SHARED CUSTODY OF A CHILD- The Equal or Near Equal Issue


Certain tax benefits, such as the Canada child benefit, the GST/HST rebate, and the recently implemented federal carbon tax incentive (where applicable) are normally paid entirely to the parent with whom the child primarily resides. Where the child resides with the parents on an equal or near equal basis, each parent is entitled to half of the credits/benefits which would be available if the child resided primarily with them.

A March 27, 2019 Federal Court of Appeal case addressed the proportion of time each parent is required to reside with the child in order to meet the “equal or near equal” condition. The Court noted that various lower court decisions consistently used “time” as a basis for determination. It also noted that, while the proportion of time residing with the child considered to be “equal or near equal” varied, it was never accepted below 40%.

While it noted that 40% is the legislated threshold for determining shared-custody status for Federal Child Support Guidelines (FCSG), the Court found that a determination of “equal or near equal” status for purposes of these benefits should be made without reference to the FCSG. The Court determined that the income tax definition required that the percentage of time with the child must be able to be rounded off to no less than 50%. Percentages should be rounded to the nearest whole number that is a multiple of 10. In other words, 44% would be rounded to 40% while 48% would be rounded to 50%. As a result, a minimum of 45% would be required to meet the income tax definition.

This is the highest Court to make a determination on this issue thus far, which means it is a binding precedent. While previous decisions commonly accepted a threshold of approximately 40%, this case clearly states that the minimum is 45%. As such, there is a 5% spread between the shared-custody definition for tax law (residing with the child on a near-equal basis) and the definition of a shared custody arrangement under the FCSG (which explicitly requires physical custody of the child at least 40% of the time). This means that, for example, a child who spends 42% of their time with one parent, and 58% with the other, would be shared custody for FCSG purposes, but the parent with whom the child spends 58% of their time could be entitled to 100% of benefits determined under the Income Tax Act.

ACTION ITEM: Be aware that eligibility for the Canada child benefit may change where the child is residing with one parent between 40% and 45% of the time. This change should also be considered in future separation agreements.

OLD AGE SECURITY (OAS) DEFERRAL- Opting Out Retroactively

OLD AGE SECURITY (OAS) DEFERRAL- Opting Out Retroactively

As of July 1, 2013, where receipt of OAS is delayed, the monthly pension is increased by a factor of 0.6% for each month deferred, to a maximum of 36% (60 months, commencing receipt at age 70). This option may be especially desirable for those whose OAS would be entirely clawed back due to high income. For 2019, every $1 of income in excess of $77,580 results in a $0.15 clawback. While it is best to do the analysis and make the decision appropriately from the outset, the following considers what happened when those opportunities were missed.

In a January 31, 2019 Federal Court case, at issue was whether an individual could apply for his OAS pension to be cancelled slightly more than one year after it had begun in order to benefit from the voluntary deferral option.

The individual applied for OAS on March 1, 2013. His first payment was received in February 2014, the month after he turned 65.

In April of 2015 he realized that his entire OAS pension for the previous year was lost due to high earnings, and also that recent changes allowed deferral of receipt in exchange for higher payments. As such, a request to cancel it was submitted.

An individual has the ability to cancel a pension within six months of the commencement (i.e. the first payment). There is no specific provision that allows for an extension to this time limit.

The taxpayer cited various reasons why the application was not made in time, primarily in connection with his argument that the Government did not provide timely notification of this new possibility. In particular, he noted that he did not receive the letter sent out to those eligible to begin receipt in 2013 which explained the changes. Also, no notification of the new option was included in the application form nor in the letter he received advising him that his application was accepted.

Taxpayer loses

Since there was no provision allowing for an extension of time, the Court was not able to assist the taxpayer. The Court did, however, question whether the matter should have been dealt with under other provisions which allow the Government to take remedial action for denied benefits resulting from erroneous advice or administrative error.

ACTION ITEM: Determine whether it is best to defer receiving OAS prior to applying. If an error has been made, consider whether it was due to error in government advice or administration.