
How to reduce staff no-shows

It’s Saturday night and dozens of people are starting to stream into your restaurant for a bite to eat. Your staff are ready and everyone’s looking sharp… except Dave, who was supposed to be there 15 minutes ago. Turns out he didn’t realise he was meant to be working and is away for an epic skiing weekend. Awesome for him – not so much for you.

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Spend time on your business: simple tips for strategic time management

As a small business owner, could getting too embroiled in the day-to-day work of your business harm its overall development?

Often, your time is spent working in the business and not on the business.

Yet, in order to grow from a small outfit to a successful, profitable company, and to make the transition from owner-worker to managing director or CEO, you need to invest time managing your business.

Below are a few tips to help you make the transition.

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Build a business while still working full time

Starting and sustaining a small business requires a lot of time and dedication. It also requires money. For many people, the one thing holding them back is the capital required to start a business and endure a lean period when it is getting up and running. People fall into debt or end up giving up on their dream and returning to full-time work for a steady income.
However, it is possible to prevent this heartache by hanging on to your full-time job while your business gets off the ground. It will mean long hours that don’t end once you get home from work and the sacrifice of every minute of free time, but it can be the difference between having the security to forge ahead with your dream, or having to abandon it when you can’t sustain it any longer.

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The 3 worst days you’ll face as a business owner and how to deal with them

As a small business owner, you’re going to have good days and bad days. Some days will be worse than others.

Part of coping with the darker days that come with managing your own operation is being primed and ready to handle them when they arrive.

This involves building a network of advisors around you, hiring the right team and implementing the right technology so you have all the resources to push through and come out the other side with a healthy and stable business.

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