A list of tax deductions or credits to consider in the upcoming tax season
Criterion for identifying individuals who have significant control over a corporation
Over the past few years there has been much discussion at both the federal and provincial levels in respect of increased disclosure and tracking requirements of beneficial owners (those who may be considered owners even if not on title) of various types of property.
Recent changes to the Canada Business Corporations Act , which came into force on June 13, 2019, incorporated these discussions. The legislation sets out a criterion for identifying individuals who have significant control over a corporation and also requires certain corporations to keep a register of these individuals.
For these purposes an individual may have significant control over a corporation if the individual has any of the following interests or rights, or any combination of them, in respect of a significant number of shares (more than 25% of voting rights or value) of the corporation:
the individual is the registered holder;
the individual is the beneficial owner; or
the individual has direct or indirect control or direction over.
A group of two or more individuals whose joint holdings meet these criteria are considered to be an individual with significant control.
Also, an individual who has any direct or indirect influence that, if exercised, would result in control in fact of the corporation, would be considered to have significant control. The legislation also provides that other prescribed situations may result in an individual having significant control.
Directors, shareholders and creditors of the corporation may, on application, be able to access the register.
Failure to comply with the requirements to maintain a registry may be subject to a $5,000 penalty. A director or corporation who “knowingly authorizes, permits or acquiesces” in not fulfilling this requirement or who provides false or misleading information in the registry may be subject to a fine of up to $200,000 and/or imprisonment of up to six months.
Similar requirements are currently being considered or enacted in respect of corporations governed by various provincial corporations acts.
ACTION ITEM: Consider whether your corporation is subject to this new requirement. If so, ensure that a proper register is being maintained.