Different ways to legally smooth income over a number of years… Maximizing access to the lowest marginal tax rates.
U.S. Economic Impact payments and Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy program extension announcements
A webpage, was launched to help manage one’s business during COVID-19; Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy estimator 2.0.
As of August 9, 2020, the Government has approved 813,570 Canada Emergency Wage Subsidies (CEWS), with a total value exceeding $26 billion.
To estimate your CEWS entitlement, consider using the CEWS 2.0 Estimator at WageSubsidyCalculator.ca, or CRA’s more complete calculator at https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/subsidy/emergency-wage-subsidy.html.
The Government has launched a webpage, https://www.canada.ca/en/services/business/maintaining-your-business.html, to help manage one’s business during COVID-19. It provides links to government financial supports and loans, reopening guidance and rules, employee issues, industry-specific assistance, tax issues, and a support phone line.